Frequently Asked Questions

I've never booked a photography session, how does it work?

The whole process is pretty easy. You start off by identifying the type of photography you are looking for, then select, or work with me on, a date and time. I will send you a questionnaire to learn a little more about you along with a contract to sign. You will need to put down a deposit, and then I work with you on all of the logistics!

Can I split my session into multiple days?

Unfortunately not. If you want to have your session take place on more than a single day, you will need to schedule different sessions for each day.

Is a deposit required?

Yes, a deposit is required. When I book a session I basically say that this spot is no longer available for someone else to schedule a session. It is a way for both of us to commit to that time frame.

How long will it take to get my photos?

While I try to get them finished as soon as possible, it will typically take a couple of weeks as I want to make sure they are photos you will love!

What happens if I have a session scheduled and the weather isn't good?

When this happens we will work together. The weather isn't always perfect, and we may have to make some adjustments. Worse case, if we have to reschedule, we will identify a date/time that works. It may have to be on a weeknight vs. a weekend based on my availability, but we will work through that.

How will I receive my photos?

As part of the services I provide, you will get access to an online gallery for a period of time that you can download the photos from.

Do you let everyone see all of my photos in your galleries?

Short answer is, no. While I do showcase some photos in my galleries as well as social media, as part of the shoot, you will get access to a private gallery where you can view, download, etc. That gallery will be available to you for about 90 days from the shoot. If you want to keep photos private, we can arrange that as well.

Do you have a studio?

I do not. I like to leverage the outdoors and lifestyle as much as possible, but can also take photos inside of your home or other facility we agree on.

What types of payment do you accept?

I accept credit cards, cash and Venmo as forms of payments.

Do you print photos?

I don't personally print photos. With any shoot you will get digital copies of the photos and you can also easily order prints directly from my site using one of the printing services I have selected and have them shipped to you!

Can I use the photos on social media?

Not only can you use the photos from our photo session on social media, I highly encourage that you do!

Do I have to sign a contract?

Yes. Not only does this help me out, but it also helps you as a customer out as well.

What happens if we need to reschedule?

Get in touch with me as soon as possible. We all know that life happens, and sometimes the unexpected comes up (including weather issues.)

Do you save copies of all of my photos?

While digital storage is cheap, there is a cost. So unfortunately I just cannot keep photos forever. You will have a period of time where you can download or print photos, but after that time I need to clean things up.

What if our session goes longer that the time allotted?

I set these times to help you and I both schedule our lives. While I try to stick to them, there may be times where we just need 5 or 10 minutes to get one more shot to wrap it up. We will work through that. If we need to go longer than that, you will need to schedule an additional session.

What kind of gear do you use?

I will say I am fully invested in Cannon cameras and lenses. I won't get into all of the details, but on any shoot I will probably have a couple cameras and potentially multiple lenses as well.

Do you shoot weddings?

Unfortunately I do not shoot weddings. There are photographers that specialize in wedding photography and I would recommend you find one. If you'd like some engagement pictures or memories prior to or after your wedding, contact me!